The importance of emotional catharsis in psychotherapy has been known since the time of Freud. Maybe there are two factors involved in this observation. Yes the expression of feelings can be psychologically beneficial for the client but also the client picks up hypnotic inductions at the same time.
Naming a child
Naming a child after a family member or a famous person can be a particularly hazardous task. If a chid is named after uncle Harry, that is all good and well, except that uncle Harry was a boozer and a womaniser. The child is being given that label to wear for its life time.
Life script messages – drivers and injunctions
The more emotionally important the relationship is to us the more we will begin to bring these insecurities into the relationship. Hence they tend to come out with our partners and in marriages.
Maternal motivations and the Don’t be separate injunction
There has been found to be four common motivators for a mother to tell a child not to separate from her. This shows how the injunction comes from the mother’s own needy Child ego state wants and desires.
Maternal motivations and the Don’t be separate injunctionRead More
Life script and the chemistry of love.
You know it if you have had it – chemistry. You meet someone and you get that special feeling that is a very strong motivator. You know when you have it but you can’t really describe it.
Drivers & life script
Characteristics of drivers in the life script
The Demon sub personality (Aka Lillith)
The therapist needs to build a special kind of relational contract with it over a period of time, and regularly maintain that contact in the therapeutic process. One has to go along with its destructiveness at times which can require some very wily and shrewd therapeutic interventions.
Therapy of self destructiveness
One does not seek to do therapy on this aspect of the personality but one embraces it and seeks to develop some kind of coexistence with it. One embraces their depression or learns to love their panic attacks one could say. It is accepted as a normal part of their thanatos. it can’t be changed even if one wanted to.
Neediness in relationship
(I was asked about neediness the other day and how to deal with it) Why would a woman repetitively become involved with men who are needy. Men who require emotional propping up. Therapy The focus of therapy is about her, not about him. She has probably spent some time discussing him with friends and family …
Neediness in relationship
That she chooses needy men just as much as they choose her. Her pattern is not bad luck or some kind of fate. She needs needy men just as much as needy men need her.
The interwoven structure of the life script
Any system is only as strong as it weakest part. In therapy one looks for the weakest part of the five areas and focusses on that.
Driver analysis and the life script
The final script payoff is of particular note. As people move into their 40s, 50s and 60s the final script payoff becomes much more obvious. We all have a life script and are all heading down that path through life to its inevitable conclusion.