Research into adolescent development has described the process that the young teenager uses to develop a mature sense of love. When the teenager enters into early adolescence they begin to have romantic and love feelings for another person for the first time in their life. This has been described as learning how to develop a …
Identification – Post 1
Human identity is a fragile thing. Who am I? is a question we all ask and how we get our answer can depend on a lot of things. Identification is a psychological process that we all engage in, some more than others. Probably all parents identity with their own children to some degree. In their …
Self control. Therapeutic implications
This picture shows a common thought which the eating disordered person can have. Self starvation can be about an attempt at self control and of course we also have binge eating which is out of control eating behaviour. As soon as you start to try and control the Child ego state you are eventually going …
Adult ego state strengthening – Post 4
The final part of this composition on strengthening the Adult ego state seeks a different path. The previous three parts are examining behavioural strategies to assist a person to increase their Adult ego state functioning when under stress. This section will look at some of the underlying causes that may lead to poor Adult ego …
Therapist self versus the real self
Also if the therapy and therapist is overly sensitive and gentle then the client will tend to hyper sensitise and become ‘worse’ in that sense
Belief and thinking
Of course it works the other way as well. “Good” belief systems are also resilient and resistant to change.
Introjection in psychotherapy
This provides an interesting insight into introjection in this instance. She hasn’t introjected what I have said but instead introjected my voice sound and quality. Then she has applied that introjected voice to her own words.
Introjection and the integrated Adult
People are adding new introjections to their Parent ego state continuously through out life as part of normal psychological functioning.
Suicide and family relationships
If you are working with a suicidal person and their family then you know that at least some members will be supportive of the suicide from their Free Child point of view.
Confronting magical thinking about suicide
The magical thinking about suicide is that it can result in a relief from one’s pain.
Working through scared feelings.
I personally disagree with this. In my view humans are naturally communal beings and we need (are dependent) on others at least to some degree.
The universality of games
If this is true, that could explain why psychological games are such an integral part of the human psyche. Why they are so universal in human relationships.
Magical thinking about death
It would seem prudent for any therapist to enquire of the pre-suicide fantasy a person may have to assess the level of magical thinking present.
The psychodynamics of phobias
As a result we can see what was originally a phobia, upon closer examination is not a phobia. It is about what the person feels he can’t control or what he desires in his personality.
Three alternate responses to transference
2. Reparenting or relational. Instead of explaining the transactions, the therapist invites the client to express the anger at the therapist directly.
Reparenting today
If one can get beyond all the negativity about the Schiffs and begin to use these ideas in working with non psychotics they provide interesting treatment options and approaches.
Violence and personality
This explanation could go some of the way to answering why those who use physical violence in relationships are so hard to engage in treatment programmes. They perceive, feel and experience the use of such violence as a natural, Free Child, ego syntonic thing to do.
Halloween and violent fantasy
Halloween make up, like these pictures, allows the teenage girl to release her sublimated urges to self harm, leading to a healthy outcome.
Interestingly my comments have changed over time. What I was saying in the first ones is different to what I am saying in them now and again I have no idea what that means, or the point of it is, or what the evolution is.
Fantasy stage of child development
This part of the personality is engaged with things like the Harry Potter stories. It can also be found in Batman with characters like the Penguin and the Joker. They are presented as mischievous, irreverent and yet appealing characters.
Characteristics of transference
Transference neurosis refers to the situation in psychotherapy where the client will establish the same type and pattern of relationship with the therapist that he had with his original mother and father.
Further aspects of drug use ambivalence
However there is quite a sizeable group (most people) who use drugs and alcohol in a non problematic way. They use drugs and alcohol such that their life script is not advanced and their relationships are not damaged in any significant way.
Working with the Conforming Child, Rebellious Child and Free Child ego states
In essence you begin to gain a bit of respect. If the Rebellious Child starts to
respect the counsellor as a person, then the individual becomes more receptive to
the therapeutic benefits of the counselling.
Working with the Conforming Child, Rebellious Child and Free Child ego statesRead More
The Demon sub personality (Aka Lillith)
The therapist needs to build a special kind of relational contract with it over a period of time, and regularly maintain that contact in the therapeutic process. One has to go along with its destructiveness at times which can require some very wily and shrewd therapeutic interventions.
Suicide and the average man
The Don’t exist injunction is different in that it is a belief a child takes on in childhood. The child basically comes to the conclusion that its own death is a viable solution to a problem.
The three ego state integrative model
In essence the Parent and Child ego states free up the Adult to engage in higher level cognitive functions and relationship skills. Indeed the Adult ego state is dependent on having active Parent and Child ego states influencing it.