This provides an interesting insight into introjection in this instance. She hasn’t introjected what I have said but instead introjected my voice sound and quality. Then she has applied that introjected voice to her own words.
The “Are you still there?” session
Is he still there and is he still the same? – is what I think is behind this revisit. As a therapist it feels kind of nice when that happens.
Getting over it and A1 thinking
A1 Black and white thinking. She is a bad person for hurting me. Behaviour can be the person.
A2 thinking can understand that all people are good and some just have unproductive behaviour or behaviour that hurts others. Behaviour is bad not the person.
The Demon sub personality (Aka Lillith)
The therapist needs to build a special kind of relational contract with it over a period of time, and regularly maintain that contact in the therapeutic process. One has to go along with its destructiveness at times which can require some very wily and shrewd therapeutic interventions.
Psychotherapy with Lillith
Some female anorexics are seeking to make their bodies (and therefore sense of self) pre pubertal.
Sleepy as part of the Free Child
It should be noted that the third muse, sleepy, is a pull to nonlife, it is not a pull towards death. These people are not suicidal in the usual sense of the word.