This personality type often displays characteristics like
Withdrawn passivity
Creative thinkers
Overly sensitive
Paul Ware also described them as
Kind, pleasant and concerned for others.
I would suggest there are two discrete sub groups in this personality type
Often the life positions associated with this personality type are
I-U- and I+U-
And it is these two life positions that result in two different subgroups of schizoid personality type.
Subgroup 1
The with the I-U- life position they are as Paul Ware describes often with a kind, pleasant quality as well
Subgroup 2
Those with the I+U- life position are different. As with all schizoids they are not openly hostile or aggressive however underneath they have a superiority complex especially with the intelligent schizoid. They maintain their inability to communicate and relate to others in any meaningful way by seeing themselves as different to others usually from a superior position.
I+U- (I-U – -) Superiority complex
I am different to all others
I don’t fit in
Others are ignoramuses and simpletons, drones monotonously living out their lives with no real meaning
I have the real meaning or at least I am searching for it or are aware that something else exists beyond going to work and playing between life and death. Other do not have this awareness or view that I posses. Hence the belief of superiority.
Treatment involves the presentation of the I- U- – life position to the person.