In silence between therapist and client we see how transactions (non silence) can drag the client’s psychological energy from the unconscious into the conscious This diagram shows of how Freud conceived of the conscious and unconscious. In the human psyche there is a little bit of conscious at the top but most of it is …
Silence and the unconscious
Peter Ehrenhaus is a professor of communication and writes very interesting things about silence and symbolic expression. He says that silence can be an object or an encounter. With an encounter meaning can arise in silence between the individual and the object experienced as silent. He is not a psychologist and presents his ideas in …
Silence in psychotherapy
Over the years there has been much written about silence in psychotherapy and most of the time in these articles and books silence means the absence of speech (Ehrenhaus 1988). A time when the client and therapist are not speaking to each other is defined as silence in psychotherapy. However to me this is not …