Listening to a person talk about how they cut self is stress producing for most people including therapists. The therapist needs to be clear they do not fall into subtly pressuring the client into making the contract due to their own anxieties.
Despair and its treatment
A significant attachment figure was never fully internalised in childhood and thus there is a sense of a hole inside self. The therapist is used by the client to fill that hole.
The therapist’s role in bringing up sensitive topics in therapy
If one allows the client to avoid it for long periods of time and addresses it in a very a tepid way that may empower the shame.
The therapist’s role in bringing up sensitive topics in therapyRead More
Confronting magical thinking about suicide
The magical thinking about suicide is that it can result in a relief from one’s pain.
Big feelings and little feelings
Of course big feelings do occur in childhood, sometimes many of them occur and many are not dealt with or resolved as the child cannot articulate its need to do so
Teenage conventional thinking
Recent research on what teenagers see as, “What makes a good person”. They were asked to rate the qualities of people who were good people. This indicates teenagers are a conventional group of people in these views. But this seems incongruent as the teenage stage is often an angry stage of storm and stress. The …
Wall of trivia
The wall of trivia allows for two people to keep an emotional distance from each other.
Treatment of the passive aggressive personality
Provide lots of positive stokes to the PA and work on how they may filter the strokes.
Developmental problems for the child from the affluent family
The child from the wealthy family is more likely to be left with the question – Who am I?
Developmental problems for the child from the affluent familyRead More
Features of rackets
Anger is a distancing emotion it pushes people apart. When people want distance in a relationship anger can be used to achieve this
Working through scared feelings.
I personally disagree with this. In my view humans are naturally communal beings and we need (are dependent) on others at least to some degree.
Aversion therapy & implied communication in therapy
The goal is to stop the drug use but in the very nature of the treatment one is giving permission to take drugs. Same in the Redecision therapy I use
Aversion therapy & implied communication in therapyRead More
Unconscious communication in therapy
If the conscious and unconscious want different things always give the client what the unconscious wants.
Post suicide fantasy
“I am not one who fears the end of life. I think when it comes it will be a relief. Can finally rest.”
Redecision therapy reconsidered
An internal LOC is a empowering position. It is saying to the person, you can take charge and change your life. You are the one in control of your life script, feelings and so forth.
The shadow
But then after halloween is over that part of us is quickly packed away again safe from our conscious.
Why is anger seen as bad
First and foremost anger is always potentially life threatening.
Parental expectations of children
Research on what parents believe children can do at various ages found significant gaps in parental expectations in some core areas of child psychological development
Developmental significance of jealousy
If handled correctly by the parents it allows the child to develop out of its primary narcissism and to develop a sense of the worth of others.
Reverse psychology as a therapeutic approach (and the teenager)
It is imperative a therapist seek to engage with the Free Child of the teenage client. But many therapist’s forget this and stay focussed only on the Rebellious Child
Reverse psychology as a therapeutic approach (and the teenager)Read More
Nonverbal permissions by default
Permissions can also be given in an implied way. A therapist who listens to a client and accepts a contract is covertly giving the permission to change
Depression and suicide
Depression does not cause suicide. However Transactional Analysis can provide a clear theoretical explanation of why one depressed person can be suicidal and another is not even thinking about i
Relational contact in the Parent interview
Again it will lead to a sense of feeling heard and feeling some level of relationship building with another person.
Wall of trivia
It is the Free Child to Free Child interactions that provide for the emotional intimacy between two people.
How many personality types is the right number?
In reality there are as many personality types as there are people on this planet, over 6 billion.
Goodness of fit in parenting
Of course all parents project onto their offspring and at times identify with personality characteristics in their children.
Suicide and the copy cat effect
In essence homicide-suicide is seen as a subtype of suicide.
Hot potatoe as a homicidal act.
Indeed if a rescuer is doing this then they really cannot be seen as a rescuer and would need to be more correctly diagnosed as a persecutor.
Listening to the unconscious in self
In working with enactments the therapist must seek to become aware of their unconscious and dissociated parts of self.
The suicide homicide attempt
2. If things get too bad I will kill myself and others.